The Malak Newsletter is produced by Darwin Community Arts for the residents of Malak, about what is happening in the central Malak precinct.
Share this information with your neighbours and get involved in your community.

Proudly supported by Delia Lawrie, MLA Member for Karama
Darwin Community Arts
phone: 8945 7347
- My Sisters Kitchen every Monday 3:30-6pm in Chambers Crescent Theatre. Meet women from all cultures sharingtheir stories through cooking.
- Free Community Cafe Dinner with food, entertainment &
activities. Everyone welcome on Monday 29th 6pm. Come along amd meet your neighbours
- Free Movie Night Invictus(rated PG) Wednesday 3rd 7pm - 9pm.
In Malak Shopping Centre car park.
Alcohol free event. Snacks & drinks for sale
- Under 18's Dance Party Friday 12th
with Kevin's Mobile Disco. 7-11pm at The Shak.
Entry gold coin donation.
Mission Australia Youth Connections
phone: 8927 0060
- Support services for young people who are disengaged
from education, family & community.
- One-to-one assistance, mentoring, advocacy, referrals,
specialist services & group assistance.
Mission Australia Youth & Family Support
Program ( AEP) Youth Beat Program
phone: 0417 029 102
- Providing Intensive Case management for Youth.
- Youth and Family Counselling service.
- Youth Specific Programs & Education.
- School Holiday Programs for Youth
Darwin Seniors Computer Club
phone: 8948 1274
- Classes, workshops, home visits for beginners,
intermediate and advanced users.
- Special programs to help people with disabilities.
Multicultural Youth NT
phone: 8945 9122
- Looking for feedback about how MyNT can support
the growing number of asylum seekers in detention.
- Any young people who want to get active in their community, to put on an event, make a magazine, raise your voice, get in touch with MyNT;
Chambers Crescent Theatre
phone: 8945 7347
- Available for community use $16.50 (incl GST) per hr.
- Full list of workshops, events & classes on Theatre noticeboard.
- Free community English classes every Thursday 6pm.
- Bellydancing classes every Wednesday 5:15pm
- Multicultural Christian Fellowship Church every Sunday
morning and afternoon services.
Multicultural Council of NT
phone: 8945 9122
- Homework Club every Thursday at Malak 4-6pm. Volunteer tutors needed.
- Cooking with Culture every Thursday 10am-12.30 pm.
- NT Legal Aid Commission Malak Community Outreach
every Friday 1-4pm.
- Womens Support Group meeting fortnightly on Friday's
4:30- 6pm.
Ruby-Gaea Darwin Centre Against Rape
phone: 8945 2770
- General public can access information about services
at the education office in Malak.
Head Office 8945 0155.
- Confidential counselling of women & children who have
been affected by sexual assault.
Danila Dilba Health Service Malak
phone: 8942 3144
- Individual and Group Counselling for indigenous and
Torres Strait Islander/stolen Generation people.
- Indigenous Youth Programs - Group and Individual
counselling/Drumbeat Sessions.
- General youth recreational centre at back of Malak
Shops every Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 3pm.
Newsletter available through Darwin Community Arts
ph 08 8945 7347