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Emergency accommodation and special accommodation for Indigenous amd Torres Straits people, womens shelters, homeless people and those visiting Darwin for medical reasons from remote communities.
This information is provided both for those may wish to contribute in cash, kind or time and for those who may need assistance. It is provided in good faith that it is accurate at the time of writing.
'St Vinnies' provides housing and transitional housing. In partnership with other agencies it provides a range of services for people who are homeless or are in housing crisis.
Ozanam House
2 Westralia Street, Stuart Park NT 0820
PO Box 910 Parap NT 0804
Phone: 08 8981 4374
Fax 08 8981 1950
Every day: breakfast from 8.00 am. Lunch from 11.00 am.
Galawu Hostel
10 Finniss St, Darwin
8981 4106
Accommodation for transient indigenous people, fees are dependant on age and houshold size
Silas Roberts Hostel
21 Packard St Darwin
8981 5071
For Aboriginal & Torres Strait people
"No Pay No Stay policy"
Daisy Yarmirr Hostel
37 Glencoe Crs, Tiwi
8927 3866
Max stay 3 months, fees dependant on age and household size
49 Mitchell St, Darwin
8981 5994
Single room accommodation
7 Doctors Gully
8981 8377
Short term accommodation, over 18 years
10 Crerar Rd, Berrimah
8947 0633
For indigenous people visiting for medical and renal dialysis
"No Pay No Stay policy"
level 5, 62 Cavenagh St
8943 9600
Medium to long term housing, outreach support and respite care
Fees based on Income
Assesssment before entry
8981 5928
Crisis accomodation for women over 18 without children
$10/night negotiable on phone assessment.
8945 1388
Crisis accomodation for women with children
Fees etc assessed after intake
107 Bagot Rd, Ludmilla
8948 0050
Short term accommodation for veterans and Homeless Men
Salonica St, Stuart Park
8981 4199
Crisis accommodation for Homeless men
Assessment on entry
Drug and Alcohol Services & Homeless Mens Programme
24 Beaton Road, Berrimah
PO Box 19 Berrimah 8028
Phone: (08) 8997 1000
Fax: (08) 8997 1099
The Sunrise Centre operates a number of programmes to address the issues of homelessness, alcoholism and drug addiction.
Bakhita Centre
107 Dick Ward Dr, Coconut Grove
8985 5333
3-6 months accommodation for homeless men
$120/wk including meals
Park Lodge
42 Coronation Dr, Stuart Park
8938 0523 or 8999 8814
Short Term accommodation
Single men over 18 years
Coconut Grove & Nightcliff
8985 0000
8932 7850
Housing, outreach support & more for youth 15-19 Years
8945 3774
Includes pregnent women or with children under 12 months
Fees based on income, assessment befor income
8948 2044 or 1800 799 226
Youth Crisis Accommodation
8945 5015 or 0438 893 330
Long term youth accommodation
Fees based on income
Enjoy Darwin Accommodation directory.
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