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by Edward
Newly moved to Darwin and really finding it hard to find things to like about Darwin.
It seems the smoking laws are different to all over Australia or they are not enforced, why do you have to walk through smoke when entering a building, people smoke everywhere here. Can you tell me where it states that you cannot ride a bicycle in the Mall, I have not seen a sign that states that.
Whilst the CBD of Darwin is clean and tidy there is no incentive for home owners or businesses to be clean and tidy or proud of their surroundings. There is so much rubbish always on the streets, gutters and in peoples yards. Why are they not compelled to clean up. The streets could all do with a good street sweeping, does Darwin operate a street sweeping system, the streets and gutters are always full of rubbish. And why not sweep the bike paths, cause they are full of broken glass. In a sentence, I do not know how Darwin could ever win a 'Tidy City' contest. For all the powers that be it appears people are collecting their salaries and turning a blind eye, really how can you accept the state of Darwin...
Just concerned, you want investment in this state, how about you spend some cash and clean the place up..
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