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Salsita Dance School

(Darwin, NT)

This event has no 2023 dates listed. Please contact the organiser directly with any queries.

At Salsita Dance School, we teach Salsa to students of all levels, from beginners to advanced, and offer practical, fun and easy ways of learning dances.
We will help you feel confident on the dance floor and enjoy yourselves.

We offer regular classes.

Find more details here.

or us contact at

Comments for Salsita Dance School

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Jan 31, 2018
Different teachers
by: Rosa

Joao has now left there are now different principals/owners? Ranny and Camilo. I attended their beginner class to refresh/recap as it has been years since I danced Salsa and their class was very well structured and easy to follow. I was amazed at how many people rocked up for this beginner class on such a very rainy stormy night too! I would recommend these classes to any one starting out. Not cheap but you get your money's worth.

Oct 12, 2011
Darwin's Best Salsa School
by: Anonymous

I highly recommend the Salsita dance school. Joao is an amazing teacher and dancer and slasa, bachata and zouk are all really fun and passionate dances. All the teachers and students there are really friendly and welcoming, and you get to learn at your own pace.

Seriously, you should check it out.

May 24, 2011
Joao is a great teacher
by: Anonymous

I highly recommend you go to salsita dance. Joao is a very good instructor, highly experienced and patient. I liked Zouk as it was different to most dance styles. Give it a go.

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